Global Summit on Climate Education

January 26, 2024
9:00 am
Start Time
January 26, 2024
9:00 am
End Time
January 27, 2024
12:00 pm
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City

Event Description:

As the impact of climate change continues to be felt across the world, students and educators are increasingly looking for ways to respond. Research on youth climate anxiety highlights the challenge the climate crisis presents for young people but also identifies the power of climate action as its antidote. Join us for the Global Summit on Climate Education, an exploration of education in the era of climate change, as schools seek to develop and empower students as active and engaged global citizens, in the classroom and beyond. The summit is a partnership between the Klingenstein Center and the Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG), and will be held January 26-27 at Teachers College, Columbia University. The Summit's Call for Proposals is open and seeks educators interested in sharing innovative models of teaching and learning in the era of climate change. Deadline to submit your proposal is October 22, 2023. Registration for the Summit is also open.