Like a Haunted House Survived
The Teachers' Lounge Screenplay by lker Çatak and Johannes Duncker
Video [Streaming on Netflix and other platforms. Screenplay [PDF available from Sony]
February 18. 2023
Movies about teachers and schools often resemble fan fiction. The “hero teacher” archetype drives the plot, rescuing students, renewing our faith in humanity, and glorifying the profession, all in rapid succession. Enjoyable in the moment, such plotting and pacing beg the question: what deeper purpose do they serve? The Teachers’ Lounge (or Das Lehrerzimmer), a 2023 German drama directed by lker Çatak and co-written by Johannes Duncker, rejects the typical formula and takes a starkly different approach. Amid the swirl of school threats, disciplinary missteps, and well-meaning intentions, a school community unravels in the wake of a campus theft and broken trust. While general audiences may see the film’s societal allegory, educators will immediately recognize the nuances and routines of daily school life. Yet, are the events too painfully relatable for teachers or administrators to appreciate them as entertainment? Thankfully, the film provides just enough space between audience and action, allowing the film to conclude for viewers like a haunted house survived. Through this catharsis, educators can gain insights not from simple moral lessons but the emotional truths the film reveals.