
Self-Transformation in the Service of Others

Submitted By:
Andrew Housiaux, Tang Institute, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA

You Belong: A Call for Connection by Sebene Selassie
HarperOne, August 25, 2020

"How do you acknowledge differences and inequities yet also hold a firm conviction that fundamentally we are all irrevocably interconnected and belong to each other?" Throughout You Belong, her first book, well-respected meditation teacher Sebene Selassie explores generative paradoxes like the one above. She offers engaging reflections on belonging, radical self-acceptance, and the transformative power of paying attention with curiosity and joy. Just as important, her ongoing exploration of areas of overlap between, for example, anti-racist education and embodied meditation techniques means that educators across a range of contexts will emerge from an encounter with this book feeling challenged and inspired. Individuals looking for ways to be more mindful and effective agents of systemic change will find much to guide them here; so too will individuals already engaged in the work, who would benefit from the accessible approaches to self-reflection and inner growth. Selassie's evident wisdom, humility, and good humor point to the fruits of a life dedicated to self-transformation in the service of others – a lofty ideal that feels more approachable after time spent in the company of this caring teacher and guide.

Psychology & Human Development
Social-Emotional Learning